A massive project still under development but producing some great reliable conception and reproduction rates across breeds, ages, location and time of joining. This will only increase with time. Our aim is to provide a benchmarking service to give clients comparatives to their sheep production system.


We have two full Eid setups including XR5000 indicators and and trutest panel readers enabling clients to fully capture their scanning records against the individual tag. We believe that Eid has a lot of unrealised potential and with a clear objective, some understanding and the right support can be another great tool in the toolbox.


Identifies ewes that are empty/undetectable, single bearing and multiple bearing. The best window is >42 days from ram removal and <84 days from ram introduction. Certainly very mainstream and understandably. It represents great value for money and by far the best dollar spent. A recent analysis of scanning funded by AWI and MLA concluded an…


Identifies ewes that are empty/undetectable, single bearing, multiple bearing and triplet bearing. The best window for scanning is >42 days from ram removal and < 77 days from ram introduction. We are finding that there is increased demand for identifying triplets. Although there is a long way to go in closing the gap between the…